I have solely dedicated this blog to animals, I feel quility if I post anything else on here. They are so dear to my heart.
So with that said, this is my beloved animal blog
How could you not love that cute little bundle having a bath
He is just so happy, that we all love animals
I love to post about an animal that is in need of a home, animal rescue groups and saving the seals and the elephants and the bears and any animal plight that is emailed to me or that I find on the internet.
They need the attention and the help, and I feel that maybe my little space here on the World Wide Web, can help, even if it saves one animal or gets the attention of a group of people, I will know that I have done the best that I can do, I can't turn my back on the issues at hand, and I hope I can touch someone elses life with my passion and love for animals.
My dream is to have everyone on this earth of ours to be caring and compassionate to our animal friends.
It isn't always about giving money to groups, although believe me many groups that do rescue need the money to keep doing what they are doing. If you don't have extra money, remember to help out, you can volunteer in a rescue group, you can sew snugglies for animals in rescue shelters, or spread the word to adopt a shelter animal, if you see a stray dog or cat, don't just turn your head, call someone or take them yourself and find their owners. If you see abuse with an animal report it RIGHT AWAY to the local authorities, if you don't, they will never get out of the situation they are in, and most likely they will die. If you see a starving animal, call the authorities, there is no reason in the world an animal should be starving to death. Also this summer in the hot and humid weather, don't walk away from an animal in a car , call the police, it only takes minutes for an animal to die in a closed in car.
Some people need to be educated on animals and the care that they need and require. I promise not to talk always about the bad things, but to also let you know about the happy and good things that happen with the animals. I also will be posting funny pictures and quotes, so that this blog doesn't become depressing, I want you all to visit here and be enlightened and hopefully just maybe a little more educated on the animals issues that surround us all. I know I am always getting educated myself with the issues at hand.
My love of primitives and early american life have taken a back seat to this blog. So with much consideration I have decided to open another blog ( like I have time) and I will dedicate that solely to PRIMITIVE AND EARLIES. It's not open yet and I don't have a name yet, I have a few different names in mind, but have yet to decide on one.
I am always on the lookout for handmade earlies, antiques, antique shops, primitive shops and decorating my home in the early style. But, more about that when my blog is open and running. And, I will sell some items on the blog, from time to time, when I find a good piece that is in need of a home.
I hope you will continue to check this blog and keep updated on all the animal issue's that arise or that I post about in my daily life. I have 3 dogs and 6 cats, and they truly are a blessing and a big part of our family. I can't imagine my home without an animal, since I was a little girl we have had animals of all kinds, but most always a dog or two or five, oops ,sometimes a few too many, for some of the people in the house to be comfortable with. I was one who was always wanting to bring home the stray. My kids have been brought up to love animals and to understand that some people don't love animals as much as other do, so that's where we step in and try our darn best to help.
"If we do nothing - nothing happens"
Till we meet again ~ Blessings Cheryl